Attention: You have to own copyright to the song you are about to upload.

Competition Info:

Competition Theme: Love
Submission Period: 18/9 – 30/11/2021
Finalists Announcement: 15/12/2021 onwards
Accepted File Formats: .mp3 or .wav files
Accepted Languages: All
Song Duration: 1 to 4 minutes

Please follow the instructions listed below.
If you have any questions or experience any problems using this form, please email

Submission instructions:

  1. Upload your .mp3 or .wav song file with this form. Please note that your song file must be named in the following format:
    Song title_by_Artist Name 1_Artist Name 2_…
    (Example: Happy Ending_by_Daniel Lee_Happy Poe)
  2. Please fill in the required fields in this form.
  3. Click on the “Submit” button.
  4. After you have successfully submitted your work to us, we will be uploading your song onto Unheard Competition Facebook Page (@unheardcompetition) in video format for gathering “likes”. Please ask your friends to like and share your submission on our page. The top 3 most-liked videos (excluding submissions already chosen under the top 3 prizes) on the Unheard Competition Facebook Page will be automatically enrolled under the “Consolation Prize” category.

We will notify you when your song is uploaded onto the Unheard Competition Facebook page.